Get your Relics Music Festival Tickets
Get you tickets now while they last! Only limited Tickets Available
We have two ticket paying options for you to choose from
1/ Pay in full
2/ Pay in two installments
Ticket price includes free tent camping, parking, and event pass. (Additional cost for Vans and Campers see below)
Option 1 Pay in Full
Tier 1 (First 150) – $225 plus tax – (SOLD OUT)
Tier 2 (350 ticket) – $250 plus tax
Buy a full payment ticket
Relics Ticket Payment Plan
$125+ tax for the deposit to hold your ticket and pay you pay an additional $125 plus tax before March 31st as you final instalment
To join the Payment plan by following the link below
Camper Vans and large Campers
Camper vans are an additional $25
Large Campers are an additional $50 (SOLD OUT)
Buy Camper lots